What Are Nemots?

Nemots are a randomly assembled combination of everyday objects and animals.

What Are Nemots?

The Nemots TCG is an innovative single and multiplayer digital trading card game that allows players to own their cards and other in-game assets. Powered by the blockchain, each card in The Nemots is a non-fungible token (NFT) owned by a player.

Created by the strange green energy, Nemots are creatures born of the combination of everyday objects and animals and gain the spirits and qualities of both. The purpose of their existence is not yet known, nor who created them. But now that they are here, they are yours to use how you will.

Players can mint new cards with unique abilities and level them up by risking them in battle. It’s a game of surprises, reactions, advantages and disadvantages, risks vs rewards, difficult decisions, and rapid changes of fortune in battle.

Each Nemot possesses unique attributes and will determine how strong the Nemot is in the game.

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