Card Stats
These are the numbers and abilities that make every Nemots card unique.
Card Stats
Each Nemot has three main attributes where points during minting may be distributed. For example, for stats, 13 points might be allocated at random. These can be split into the following categories as follows:
Attack: the creatureβs ability to damage an opponent. Using our example, we will create a unique build that doesnβt focus on attack strength and allocate only 3 points of the 13.
Defense: the creatureβs ability to take damage from an opponent. While being able to take damage is essential, we will make our creature seem weak by allocating a mere 4 points to it but make up for it by loading up its last attribute.
Speed: the creatureβs ability to recover Defense and Abilities. We will allocate most of our points to this stat, 6 points. This will allow our creature to recover damage rather quickly as well as use its Blazed Abilities more often.
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