πŸͺ™Purpose of Fragments

The main purpose of Fragments token is to maintain a healthy economy and provide in-game function as a virtual currency to players in the marketplace.

Purpose of Fragments

The main purpose of The Nemots Fragments token is to perform the following functions:

  • Maintain a balance within the economy: Fragments will be the in-game currency for The Nemots. In order to maintain a balance within the economy and eliminate value lost for players earning within the game, Fragments will be pegged to the US Dollar (USD)

  • Shopping for in-game assets within the in-game marketplace: Fragments will be the sole token used by players within the game. The assets purchasable with fragments include: repair packs, XP boosters, spell chargers, odds boosters and more

  • Card upgrades, repairing, spell charging: Players will be able to perform various in-game actions including to merge cards of the same level to obtain new cards with a higher level, repair cards with damage and spell charging. Fragments will be used within the game to pay for this process

Fragments tokens serve as an incentive and reward for players and as a virtual currency that will be used to manage, buy, sell and upgrade in-game assets, which will become more valuable over time than the Fragment values themselves (due to scarcity, skill, and mechanic composition of the card).

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